I may be agnostic towards religion but I felt the urge to type out the fallowing!
var timer:Number = 0;
var startpopulation:Number = 10,000
var continents:Number = 7;
var life:Number = 0;
var Heavenx:Number 777;
var Heaveny:Number 777;
var Hellx:Number 666;
var Helly:Number 666;
_root.Space.onEnterFrame = function(CreateTime){
_root.Space.attachMovieClip("Globe","E arth",earth._water = 75%, earth._land = 25%);
//Create Earth
Earth.onEnterFrame = function;
with Earth{
_root.land.attachMovie("LandMass","lan dscape", _x.getNextHighestDepth,_y.getNextHighe stHeight;
if(_root.timer >= 200){
//Add the people
_root.onEnterFrame = function(starttopopulate){
_root.earth.landmass.attachMovie("MyCr eation","Human",_x.getNextHighestDepth ,_y.getNextHighestHeight;
human.copyMovieClip(startpopulation, alpha = 100, );
life ++;
//Defining the Function "Starttopopulate"
if(_root.humaninteligence >= 200){
//God is omnipotent!!!!!!!
_root.Soul.onEnterFrame = function();
soul",_root.Earth.Human.Soul._visible = false)
Human.onEnterFrame = function();
if(_root.Earth.Human.hitTest _root.death){
if(Human._good >= 100){
Human.soul_x = Heavenx;
Human.soul_y = Heaveny;
Human.soul_x = Hellx
Human.soul_y = Helly;
if(_root.Human._life >= 100){
if(Human._good >= 100){
Human.soul_x = Heavenx;
Human.soul_y = Heaveny;
Human.soul_x = Hellx
Human.soul_y = Helly;